Old Times
I keep receiving emails from Friends Reunited detailing a school reunion in July. I doubt if I'll go, but it set me off on another hour of fruitless Googling of past names to see if I could find anything on anyone. In the middle of this I receive an email from my friend KLAAG. He has been going through old boxes and ruthlessly emptying them into the bin. He mentions some old cards he has found that I'd sent him. I email him back saying I'm surprised he has kept them for so long before throwing them out.
I keep Googling and find the website of my old friend Ant, now very big in IT. I think about getting in touch for a few seconds. KLAAG sends another email, sounding slightly hurt, saying he has not thrown away my cards, and adding 'should I?' I forget about Ant, and head for Friends Reunited to read up on the reunion and who is involved. Some of the names I don't recognise, others I expect to see aren't there. I look up my other schools to check reunions. I eventually stop looking at Friends Reunited and think about going through the old boxes in the cupboard upstairs. I decide against it; it's old stuff going back more than twenty years. I need to go through all of them at one point and throw the lot away.
I email back KLAAG and tell him to keep my old cards.

Very big in IT.
I keep Googling and find the website of my old friend Ant, now very big in IT. I think about getting in touch for a few seconds. KLAAG sends another email, sounding slightly hurt, saying he has not thrown away my cards, and adding 'should I?' I forget about Ant, and head for Friends Reunited to read up on the reunion and who is involved. Some of the names I don't recognise, others I expect to see aren't there. I look up my other schools to check reunions. I eventually stop looking at Friends Reunited and think about going through the old boxes in the cupboard upstairs. I decide against it; it's old stuff going back more than twenty years. I need to go through all of them at one point and throw the lot away.
I email back KLAAG and tell him to keep my old cards.

Very big in IT.
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