Here be Dragons

Apart from a very brief visit to the St. Pauls carnival, I spent all day in front of Live 8 on Saturday, and apart from a couple of dodgy turns from Velvet Revolver and Mariah Carey I hugely enjoyed it. It was good to see The Who again, and even good to see Pink Floyd again, although I don't recall seeing them in the flesh before. Just visions of floating pigs, walking hammers and brick walls.
I wonder if Syd Barrett was watching.
Saw our friends Pops and his wife at the local music in the park on Sunday. Also there were the local society who I am preparing a website for. I gingerly approached their stall to greet them and, before I knew what was happening, they had sat me down with a lengthy questionnaire to fill in. I filled it out quickly, slipped away and joined the shortest of the numerous queues for food.
Some good music but, as is usual for these events, some very, very weird dancing.
Went into my daughter's school this afternoon to help out. Art week, apparently. Saw the woman from the walking bus ahead of me but she was walking so fast I couldn't catch her up. She is certainly a good walker. Spent the afternoon helping to make dragons out of clay, and then clearing up the clay. The dragons were very good, enhanced I hope from my input. Wings, claws, scales: we did the lot.
The other parent-helpers appeared to be keener on the cleaning up side of things than the dragon making, rigourously giving all tables and chair a decent sponge. Even the woman from the walking bus made an appearance with a scrubbing brush and a bucket.
Had an email from my friend KLAAG saying he didn't rate The Who at Live 8. Again we disagree, and I suppose we will disagree more when we meet up for a drink in a couple of weeks.
Found this picture of Pete Townsend, from bygone days. Monochrome and moody.
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