Calling Danny Boy

Our new favourite programme is the excellent 'Lost'. Watched two episodes back to back (as they show one on E4) the other night, but it will get confusing with forthcoming holidays and remembering to set the video for the right channels.
Also caught part of 'Where Eagles Dare', although I fell asleep as usual just after Ingrid Pitt pretends to slap Richard Burton. We'd been drinking some of the French wine, hence the snoozing and desire for some Burton cinema.
I have taken up painting for the first time in 16 years. It's partly to do with my time off at the moment and nothing to do (my daughter is part of a complicated scheme involving two friends, so I've only had to look after her one day this week) and partly to do with something my mother said about me being a good artist but wasting my talent(!)
So I bought some acrylic paints and brushes and after some struggling and momentary fits of depression I am slowly beginning to produce some acceptable art. Watch this space, as they say.