Staggering On

My psychiatrist friend has decided that he is now running in the half marathon, as is KLAAG. Had a break for a few days and then ran a staggering six miles. I managed it in just under an hour, which means I won't be finishing the race in less than two hours (if I finish it at all).
Ploughed on with my art and showed two pictures to my daughter. 'nice!' she exclaimed. Have started a third piece. It was just the two of us this weekend and we filled it with cinema and swimming. We went to see 'Howl's Moving Castle' which I found hugely enjoyable for a children's film. My daughter also enjoyed, although this may have been partly due to an abundance of chocolate. Seemed to spend the rest of the time loading and unloading the dishwasher. There is an abundance of plates and mugs in constant flux.
Bought a CD: 'Exile on main Street' by The Rolling Stones. I am not a big Stones fan but I've felt compelled to buy 'classic' albums after too much Mojo reading. So I bought (only a fiver) and after a few listens give it a huge thumbs up.
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