
School fair yesterday and I'm slightly disappointed. There are no good stalls, I spend a fortune on raffle tickets and win nothing and it's far too hot. My daughter and her friends spend most of the afternoon crowding round the jewellery and fake tattoos.
We can't make a decision about what to do for my birthday night out. It's too hot to see the new Batman film, especially when I find out that it's over two hours long. Watched the last Doctor Who and went out to meet our friend Pops and his wife. We go to a gastro pub - their choice - and I make the unusual step of drinking Hoegaarden all evening. It goes down quite well, and Pops joins in with it too, but I wake up at six in the morning with a terrible headache. I remember that the only painkillers in my possesion are in the car, so I stumble out into the bright light outdoors to retrieve them.
Don't know why I try to recreate my hellraising days of old once in a while, as it always ends the same way.
I am allowed to lie in as it's Father's Day, and it's just as well, although my daughter comes into the bedroom at seven to try and rouse me. She gives up and eventually gives me my card and present at nine.
Sat in the park this afternoon with the papers, although it seems overcrowded with the middle classes. Chops tonight but no Hoegaarden. Surprisingly, Pops had never heard of it, although I had always thought of him as a knowledgeable drinker.
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