The website
Outpost Gallifrey have finally used my Doctor Who review. Fame at last! Well, a fame of sorts although they do claim to have 22,000 readers daily. Read through it twice and only spotted one grammatical error, a misplaced apostrophe. The blasted Word spellcheck again.
They've revamped the website to mark my success, and although it is an American site I recognised one of the names in the editorial team from school. Now this is frightening, as when the new Doctor Who series started I spotted another old friend pictured in the Radio Times. Something to do with special effects. Old school associates keep turning up in the Who world.
The editorial guy ran his own Doctor Who fanzine at the time with my friend Robert. Still at it, obviously.
Come to think of it, I'm sure that many years ago the special effects guy insisted on coming round to my house to watch William Hartnell and the Daleks after I'd won the video in a raffle. We watched the six or seven episodes in one go and - I kid you not - we laughed at the cheap effects.
Anyway, shouldn't think they'd approve of this picture of former assistant to the Doctor Katy Manning, aka Jo Grant. I think this was taken after she had quit the series.
Cold beers tonight I fear to deal with this heatwave. Work is a sauna, and I sat there dripping yesterday with my glasses steaming up. Left early, but was confronted by the people next door who wanted the old settee I'd put out for the council to take away. Even though I'd paid the council fifteen pounds I let them have it and when I looked out of the window it had already gone, somehow magicked to the shed at the bottom of their garden.
Apart from cold beers it is the weather that requires several showers a day. Unfortunately part of the shower came away in my wife's hands this morning, although I was awarded the blame for it. I superglued it back on, but during my afternoon shower just now I not only managed to break it off again, but to drop it down part of the shower door, which is hollow.
Is the new Harry Potter book out soon? I fear I have lost interest in the saga.
Visited an Infant School this morning to help with their website, fresh from my Doctor Who success. I was greeted with the whole assembly singing 'Is this the way to Amarillo?'